Ay yi yi yi. I'm going to ramble until this all makes sense. If you would like to see what my rambling concludes... please continue. If you DON'T want to hear my crazy antics, please proceed to a more fun page, like Aubrey Rentz' or Megan Holden's; theirs always has fun themed pages.
Here it goes: I'm going to word vomit all over the place:)
Writing about yourself is a lot harder than I intended it to be. Or even that it SHOULD be. As human beings, most of us have the privelege of vocal chords. Now we are taught to use them, given the english language(or whatever language it is that you speak). Throughout my High School years, I was always the one who was recognized for my voice. People say that I have the loudest&most unique voice. My dear friend Riki once told me "Shelbs, I can hear your voice EVERYWHERE. It's not because you're loud playa but because you have a different pitch. Your voice is heard over everyone else's." Many a times people would come to me after class and tell me which hallway I was in at the precise time I was walking through it. Or someone would text me as I was walking past their classroom that they could hear me. In all those times, no one was wrong. I was always where they said I was because of my stinkin voice! In fact, I was at Victoria's Secret the other day and this girl in the line turned around and asked me if I went to Provo High (I did) she then says "I recognized your voice." Hahahaha oh grrrreat! Okayy people I get it! My voice is loud and obnoxious! ;)
*I'm getting off subject. I just wanted you, as my audience, to understand the issue of "my voice carries". Do you understand or should I give you a few more examples of times where somebody knew who I was because I simply opened my large trap?!
The point is, I have a distinct voice. And believe me I make sure people hear me. I always talk. I'm a people person. I care so much about the well being of others. I love my friends. In fact I would do anything for the lot of them. I don't care who you are or where you came from <--- That's my motto for friendship. I try to be as 'real' as I really am. I despise fake. I speak the truth, even if my voice shakes. I stand up for the underdog, and I am ready to fight for any of my loved ones. I fight for my beliefs and I respect yours. I don't tolerate others speaking poorly of my friends and/or family. I hate disappointment because I know how it feels. I want to be the person YOU would call when you need help or just for someone to listen. I love friendships, and I like to think that I have many TRUE friends.
I was just having a conversation with my best friend Daulton like 10 minutes ago. I was venting to her about a few current situations. Daulton is so smart. She always says to people that she's bad at advice.. but I get my best advice from this girl. Daulton knows my heart&it's true intentions, so sometimes when I can't see clearly she knows where I should be.... Anyways, Doll pointed out a few things that I needed to take note:)
Here's what she said: "You get walked on. You let them walk all over you. Why? You don't let me walk all over you. You don't let Megan. But when it comes to them it's like you're afraid or something. They get away with everything. They use you." Kayy wow... wake up call right?! That statement lead me here to this rambling. I'll try to conclude it.
I'm always noticed for my voice theoretically&literally. I'm known for my pitch, but also because I feel so strongly about so many things. I try to stand up for others and my beliefs. And people recognize that. But standing up for myself is sometimes the hardest thing to do. I can't VOICE to someone that they are hurting me. And this stupid challenge has really put me in a rut....
I guess I don't know exactly what I'm saying. But if you were to take one thing from this sketchfest of a blog, it would be this:
You have a voice and you were meant to speak. Words can be harsh and cut deep. You can never unsay anything.. So use your voice for good. Speak loudly for all to hear when you express your hearts desires. Quietly encourage others. Let your laughter echo throughout time. And speak. Speak for others, beliefs, encouragement, condolences... Through your words, make sure others know that you care. But in all of that, remember "Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who isYOUer than YOU." -Dr. Suess. Use your voice for You. speak loud, for you are the only one who truly knows what you wish you would say..... Say it.