If you've ever watched/heard of baseball, you've most definitely heard of the term 'curveball'. In baseball this is the most crucial pitch.. I think. As a batter, you watch the pitcher wondering when he'll throw it to you. No matter how much you anticipate it, it still catches you off guard. Sometimes the Pitcher will throw multiple curveballs in a row, or sometimes it's just the last strike to get the batter out.
As many of you have heard before, life is full of curveballs. You may get a curveball multiple times in a row, but sometimes it's the ONE that catches you off guard the most, even when you were anticipating it. My life is full of these random, crazy, curved roads. I may never know when the 'curve' stops, but I somehow always make it through.
I can only imagine what it feels like to be a batter striking out in a big game. Like imagine the Red Sox against the Yankees, tied up. Three on base with 2 outs and 2 strikes on the line. This batter HAS to get an RBI or game over dude. Be it as it's said, it's just a game. But try telling THAT to the batter anticipating the pitcher's curveball. I don't think HE think's it's JUST a game.
I'm going to use analogy's for the rest of this post. If you don't follow, consider it a good read. hahaha
Now I've been at the same game of 'baseball' for the past two years now. My life has been full of the ups and downs, strike outs, RBI's, fly balls, and the one and only, curveball. I've been so engrossed in this simple game, thinking it's the greatest thing of my life. I've recently come to the bottom of the last inning, with 2 outs and 2 strikes.
Strike One:
It was way back when. I'd first met him and we were instantly friends. I'd set him up with a couple of my friends, and OUR friendship only grew. For years we fused our lives together every weekend and every activity/hobby we could. Countless hours were spent laughing and sharing stories. I can't even begin to tell you how much was shared. He's my best friend.
Strike Two:
We were on a slippery slope. We fell down. Believe me, it was a looooong way down, and we fell HARD.
Looking back on my 'game' I've realized just how much heart and dedication has been put into this. I've done everything I can... I think. But to me, it's not worth losing everything to just a game. I think that I just took my 3rd strike.
Strike Three:
Realizing that sometimes what you have to say isn't as important as the person you're saying it to.
Baseball is a tricky sport. On the outside, most don't enjoy it. But once you get into the heart and passion of the game, you can't help but fall in love.
Letting yourself be hurt by just a game may look silly to the outside world. But in the moment, you're the only person who truly knows the heart you've put into just a 'simple' game.
I love my game of baseball.