Thursday, November 29, 2012

I walked away hoping I had the strength in me to never look back,
but with every step I took forward,
It was another step away from my heart.

And acquaintances turn to friends, I hope those friends they remember me
Hold the night for ransom as we kidnap the memories
Not sure there is a way to express what you meant to me
Sit around a table and use those years as the centerpiece 

Reminisce on those days, I guess that's OK, you wonder why
Some grow up, move on, close the chapter, live separate lives

I'd be a goddamn liar to say at times I didn't miss it
So deuces, I turn my back as I walk into the distance
Dip my feet in every once in a while, just to say I visit
And we hold onto these nights
Trying to find our way home by the street light
Over time we figure out this is me, right
Learn a lot about your friends right around two A.M.

-Macklemore, Cowboy Boots

Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's my turn!

Say whaaaaaaat?!
Can't believe I was nominated for this cool little blogging award.
Honestly... I had no idea what this was.  I even had to google it.  
But thanks to Demi, she nominated me! 
For some reason I am totally honored.
"Come on Shelby it's just a stupid blogging award."
I know I know.
But oddly enough, I thought it was seriously so sweet that SOMEBODY recognizes ME.
Cheesy enough? 

For those who don't know what the Liebster is, this award is for those who have less than 200 followers and is a way for them to get their name out. Once someone has tagged you in this award,
you then have to answer the questionnaire and send it off to somebody else.

Think of it as the Olympic Torch.  
Not everyone has the chance to pass along the torch.
It's probably a pain in the butt to have to run with a stinking torch.

here are the rules:

•must list 5 things about yourself
•answer 11 questions your nominee made for you
•choose your own 11 favorite blogs to nominate
•create questions for them to answer
•then let them know they have been nominated


First, I want to give a shoutout to the girl who made this possible, Demi.  
Sounds dramatic, but yet somehow true :)
Go check her blog out,
Somehow I feel like you guys won't be disappointed!!
P.S. Demi.. I'm following the layout of how you did your post on this. Not trying to be a copycat,
but I totally am.


<Who is this strange creature we all know as Shelby Deason?>

1. My name is Shelby Kareline Deason.  I'm most commonly known as shelb. shelbs. shelberdelbs. delbs. shelbykar. chubby. chubbs. fat. I guess you could even  just call me shelby.  However you choose to address me, everyone KNOWS that I am a Deason. My family is my anchor, my saving grace, and who I am.  I couldn't be more proud to be a part of something so sacred.

2. I believe in an inner compass.  Without our inner guidance, we would all be lost.  If you stick to what you naturally know, you can't go wrong.  Mistakes and getting lost results in you not following your internal instinct, your inner compass.  Let me break this down a little bit easier.  You know when you have that pit-in-your-gut-I'm-gonna-sink-to-the-bottom-of-the-ocean feeling? Strangely, you have this odd sense of predicting the future? You know what the answer is before you even ask the question? THAT is your inner compass.  Always follow that feeling and you'll NEVER be lost.  You might lose people along the way, but you will never lose yourself.

3. I believe in Fairy Tales.  Every bit of them.  I believe in staying young forever.  I believe in Prince Charming.  I believe in happily ever afters. 

4. I have this odd desire of belonging.  Not that I feel that I DON'T belong.  But I want to belong to somebody.  I want to love them so much that I know I was placed on this earth to be in their arms.  I want to belong to a spectacular change.  I want to belong to an amazing successful career.  I want to belong to myself, to be free.  In every step of life, whether it be school, work, marriage, kids; I simply just want to belong.   

5. I think the most that I want out of life is to be happy.  Kind of a broad spectrum, I know.  I don't ever want to get caught up in the vanities of life. I don't ever want to take more than I can give.  I always want to put others needs above my own. I always want to work on being a better person.



1. if you could do anything and money was no matter, what would you do?
I'd honestly travel.  I'd travel the entire world.  I would watch the northern lights, see the statue of David, inspect the portraits of DaVinci, test the waters of Fiji island, read a book on a train in paris, eat in Italy, go deep sea fishing in the Atlantic, watch Rent on Broadway in New York.  I'd do it all.

2. what is your favorite memory?
Wow.. this is HARD.  I'd have to say all of my Christmas memories.  Maybe it's because I'm in the holiday cheer right now.  Whatever the case, I love the anticipation of waking up on Christmas morning.  Finally giving in and rushing upstairs at 4 AM, and anxiously anticipating 7 AM when we can burst into Mom&Dad's room to not-so-nicely pull them out of bed to inform them Santa has come! We each have our own spot where we sit around the tree while dad passes out our gifts.  Those are my favorite mornings I'd have to say.

3. who has made the biggest impact on who you are today?
Easy.  My Mom.  My mom has given me my wings to fly and has patiently awaited for me to touch back down and tell her of my adventures.  She dreams my same dreams, shares my pain, laughter, and success.  I love my mom and I hope to be just like her when I become a mother of my own.

4. if you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?
Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy.. the one, the only, Jennifer Anniston! Call me crazy, but I love what she stands for, how she stays out of the tabloids, and I wouldn't mind to look like her.  Not mad.

5. what is your favorite holiday?
I'd have to say the 4th of July.  I love the celebration of Freedom.  The Red, White, and Blue! Obsessed with the fireworks, good company, short shorts, barefeet, and muh flag shirts.   Obviously, Christmas is a given as well.

6. what is your favorite movie?
For those of you who know me, I'm a movie fanatic!! How do I choose just ONE movie? Here are a few of my favorites: Lion King, Titanic, The Blood Diamond, Bride Wars, Tombstone, Young Guns, Dumb and Dumber, Sixteen Candles, Grease. The list goes on.  

7. who is your biggest role model?
Hmmm.. Other than my mom, my biggest role model.... One of the first people to come to mind is Erika Laws.  I'm not sure if by 'role model' you mean some huge celebrity or philosopher, but I instantly thought of my dear dear friend Riki.  She's a good person with a good heart.  I'm obsessed with her and I love all that she stands for.  This girl is definitely my role model.  However, the person I most want to be like is Daulton Deason.  My best friend, inspiration, and idol.  

8. where is the best vacation location?
Ojai, California. Look it up.

9. what goals do you have for the next year?
Finish my associates degree.  Declare a major and STICK with it.  Continue with my journey of photography.  And to stay on the path of happiness and success! :)

10. what were you like in high school?
Um.. Wow.  Everybody knew who I was.  It wasn't because I was 'popular', or the Hot Girl, or the most athletic, or the smartest, or the most outgoing, or the class clown, or the richest.  I think it was simply because I tried to meet as many people as I could.  I was a drifter.  I never really 'belonged' to a clique.  I associated with people of all shapes and sizes.  I danced, cheered, and played soccer.  I got good grades and probably ditched a class EVERY day.  I managed to get sent to the principal's office every stinkin' year too.  I'm not really sure how I was in high school, but I loved every minute of it.  

11. what makes you happy?
I actually have what I call a "Happy  Book".  I write down everything that makes me happy.  It's filled with childhood memories, favorite smells, favorite people, all the way down to barefeet.  I constantly write in my 'happy book' to ensure that I won't forget the simple things in life.  I love to meander through the filled pages, smiling at what I wrote.  I get all warm and fuzzy when I write in my book.  All of you should start a happy book, it saves me in dark times and reminds me that life is beautiful. 


Time to pay it forward!
<I'm breaking the rules, I don't love 11 blogs, bear with me>


Tag... You're it. 

-xoxoxo shelbykar.